Recently, some of the legislative changes passed in parliament before Christmas came into force - including the so-called seasonal start-up aid retroactive to 1 December 2021. We have already informed about the proposed legislation on People Thursday, 16 December 2021. The following presentation provides an up-to-date overview of the legal regulation:
The seasonal start-up aid is an employment subsidy from the AMS for seasonal businesses that were affected by an official ban on entry. The aid is intended to ensure seasonal employment during the Covid 19 pandemic and prevent seasonal workers from migrating to other sectors.
The aid may be granted to persons who entered employment between 3.November 2021 and 17.December 2021. A maximum of 65% of the wage costs incurred in the period between the ban on entry and the earliest possible entry into short-time work will be reimbursed.
The approval of the AMS Directive by the European Commission, which is required prior to disbursement of the aid, has not yet occurred but is expected on 14. January 2022.
However, it is already possible to submit an application via the eAMS account.
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