Sustainable Improvement of Results

Sustainable Improvement of Results


Our Services

If your company structure is characterized by a large number of suppliers or purchase transactions, or if your business model is based on complex billing or licensing models, we help you to identify previously undiscovered potentials in your business relationships. Based on your data, we analyze business cases and visualize connections. This creates transparency in your business relationships. It also forms the basis for realizing improvements with your business partners and reducing the complexity of your processes. It is our goal to achieve a sustainable improvement of your results.

Our principles

  • Data-driven decision-making: Thanks to the application of advanced analytics, your saving potentials can be identified.
  • An established formula for success: Due to our performance-based fee, you will only incur costs if potential savings have been realized.
  • Experienced specialists will show you innovative ways to optimize your result.


Clear presentation of your business relationships and tangible key figures

Support from a neutral third party

Identifying and reliably quantifying potential savings

Realizing improvements




Our Experts

Dominique Kollmann

Dominique Kollmann

Senior Manager
View bio
Gerald Aichberger

Gerald Aichberger

Senior Manager
View bio